Table of Contents

Contributing to Unity UPM Package

Thank you for considering contributing to our Unity UPM package! Here's how you can help:

Reporting Bugs

  • Check if the issue has already been reported.
  • Provide detailed steps to reproduce the bug.
  • Include the Unity version, package version, and platform details.

Suggesting Features

  • Explain the problem your feature solves.
  • Suggest how the feature should work.
  • Include any alternatives you've considered.

Submitting Pull Requests

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone your fork: git clone<your-username>/<repo-name>.git
  3. Work directly from the src/ directory as it contains the main package's files
  4. Update the file(at the of the root repo) if necessary
  5. Create a branch for your feature/bug fix: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  6. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m "Add feature XYZ"
  7. Push to your branch: git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  8. Create a pull request.

Code Style

  • Follow Unity's coding standards and best practices.
  • Use descriptive commit messages.


  • Ensure your changes do not break existing functionality.
  • Add tests if applicable.

We appreciate all contributions and will review them as soon as possible!