
PRs Welcome License: MIT

EzSoundCore is a Unity package that provides a simple and efficient way to manage sound effects and music playback in your game.

Read Docs


  • Easy-to-use methods for playing, muting, and enabling/disabling audio sources.
  • Support for audio mixer snapshots.
  • Editor utilities for importing and removing package elements.


In unity editor inside package manager:

  • Hit (+), choose Add package from Git URL(Unity 2019.4+)
  • Paste the URL for this package inside the box: https://github.com/ebukaracer/EzSoundCore.git#upm
  • Hit Add
  • If you're using assembly definition in your project, be sure to add this package's reference under: Assembly Definition References or check out this

Quick Usage

using Racer.EzSoundCore.Core;
using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleUsage : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private AudioClip sfxClip;
    [SerializeField] private AudioClip musicClip;

    private void Start()
        // Play sound effect

        // Play music

        // Mute all audio sources

        // Unmute all audio sources

Samples and Best Practices

After Installation, use the menu option Racer > EzSoundCore > Import Elements to import essential elements(scripts, prefabs) of this package to speed up workflow.

Check out this package's sample scene by importing it from the package manager sample's tab and exploring the scripts for the recommended approach for managing sound effects and music playback in your game.

To remove this package completely(leaving no trace), navigate to: Racer > EzSoundCore > Remove package


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.