PRs Welcome License: MIT

Simple yet sleek WebGL template for Unity HTML games.


Read Docs


Alternatively check out this


After installation, navigate to Racer > EzWebGL > Import Template to import the WebGL template.

Usage Guide

Default settings:

To use this template with its default settings, select EzWebGL from the listed templates: img

Custom settings:

  • Optimize for pixel art: Handy if you're targeting pixel art style.

    • Value: true or false
  • Hide footer: Whether or not to hide the buttons below the container/frame.

    • Value: true or false
  • Border colour: Changes the border colour of the container/frame and footer(if not hidden).

    • Value: transparent, hex-colour codes e.g. #FF0000, #0000FF, etc, hardcoded colours e.g. red, blue, etc.


  • To change the default background colour navigate to: Player Settings > Splash Image > Background > Background Color. Any colour you set there would be applied to this template, you can observe it during the initial load of your game: img

  • To change the default favicon, navigate to EzWebGL/TemplateData and replace the default favicon.ico with your own, bearing the same name and extension.

  • In case you're hosting your Unity WebGL game on itch.io, Unity usually defaults to a resolution of 960 X 600, this tends to clip off this template's contents caused by the size of the container which itch website uses to render WebGL games.

    Here's my hacky way of achieving a fitting dimension:

    • Inside Unity, set the default Width and Height to 860 X 500 as seen above.
    • On the Itch website, while editing your game, set the Width and Height values to 960 X 600: img
  • To remove this package completely(leaving no trace), navigate to: Racer > EzWebGL > Remove package



Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.